Chapter 17 – Penya Casal Barcelonista

Currently, there exists in Tarragona the Penya Casal Barcelonista Francesc Serra. This last name has been added lately in honor of the person who at all times was the backbone of a penya that was growing. Francesc Serra left us a few years ago unexpectedly and, despite this hard blow for the penyes in general and those from Tarragona in particular, the supporters’ club has moved forward always respecting his memory.

This penya Casal has nothing to do with another that had the same name that existed in the 30s, specifically in Barcelona, and had a great sporting and cultural activity. Of the numerous events organized by that old Penya Casal Barcelonista, we have to highlight two.

Homage to Vicenç Piera

The first, with information from Mundo Deportivo of February 1, 1933, specifies that the sports section of the Casal Barcelonista, in agreement with a commission of FC Barcelona members, will be in charge of the organization and making of a luxurious album of weapons that would be dedicated to the exceptional player Vicenç Piera, on the occasion of his tribute match. “This will constitute”, as the journalist explains, ‘the direct expression of his supporters for the sporting task developed by this player throughout his long career’.

The information adds that, for this purpose, on the 2nd, several tables will be set up at the FC Barcelona stadium to collect signatures for such a popular tribute. In addition, at the Casal Barcelonista, located at 263 Consell de Cent street, would be available to the public sheets with the same purpose, “for those who do not want to encounter the crowds of the last moment”.

Vicenç Piera was one of the outstanding components of the great Barça of the Golden Age, a team that dominated Catalan and Spanish soccer for a decade. Piera was with Barça for 12 seasons, playing 395 games and scoring 123 goals. He is considered one of the best right wingers in the club’s history. Currently, la Bruja, (as he was known for being the son of Can Bruja), is recognized by the Penya Barcelonista “Vicenç Piera” of La Ràpita, the town where he had his residence.

Recognition to Josep Gironès

In another mention of the minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of February 14, 1935, “permission is given to this same peña Casal Barcelonista to celebrate in Les Corts on March 25 a tribute to the boxer Josep Gironés. In connection with the same, Mr. Casals will meet with the President of the Sports Journalists Union, who, it seems, is part of the honorary committee”. Thus, they were even concerned about the sections of FC Barcelona, in this case the boxing section, and the Club authorized them to use the stadium for these initiatives.

The boxer Josep Gironès was a great champion of the 20’s and 30’s who, when he retired from boxing, was part of the security corps of President Lluís Companys. He ended his life in exile, in Mexico, where he died in the eighties. A life that could be perfectly cinematographic.

Football team, participation in a tribute organized by the Club, its own premises and acting as an embassy of the club in its neighborhood: very modern concepts that the Penya Casal Barcelonista was already demonstrating in the 30s.