Chapter 12 – The letters of the Penya “All i Oli” in 1929

The Penya All i Oli was a supporters’ club based in Barcelona that had a football team and was mainly dedicated to playing matches and organising some events. But they were also people who knew a lot about diplomacy: before asking the FC Barcelona board for something, they sent polite letters to open the doors … Read more

Chapter 9 – The penya “Els Tres”

In 1928, two news pieces appeared both in La Vanguardia and El Mundo Deportivo referring to a penya called Penya “Els Tres”. In the case of La Vanguardia, in its edition of March 3 of that year, it publishes: “Tomorrow at 11.00 am, the popular penya “Els tres” will inaugurate its new premises at Rambla … Read more

Chapter 5 – The May 1925 Cup: preamble to the Club’s suspension

These were difficult times. The dictatorship of Primo de Rivera was very hard for the aspirations of Catalonia, where catalanism had already gone beyond the linguistic and cultural borders to enter into more political and self-government fields. All this progress would be cut short with the coup d’etat and new policies that prohibited the Catalan … Read more

Chapter 2 – The fourth teams. Nova Germanor and Apàtics

If we analyse some of the events of the second decade of FC Barcelona’s twentieth century, we could come to the conclusion that there is a certain relationship between the appearance of the supporters’ clubs and the first political division in Barcelona, which has lasted until the present day. And that is when we ask … Read more