Chapter 10 – Igualada: first appearance of Nicolau Casaus

Throughout history, supporters’ clubs have been distinguished between sporting and social, although some have covered and continue to cover both aspects of their activity. In the 1920s, there were many sporting penyes that had football teams, and their origin is probably to be found in the existence of FC Barcelona’s fourth teams. In a previous … Read more

Anniversaries of penyes spread throughout the territory

Many FC Barcelona supporters’ clubs are celebrating their anniversaries during this final stretch of the season, and last weekend was a good example of this, with events throughout the territory. The Peña Barcelonista Villa del Río (Federación Andalucía, Ceuta y Melilla), the Penya Blaugrana Roda de Ter i les Masies de Roda (Federació Osona i … Read more