Chapter 17 – Penya Casal Barcelonista

Currently, there exists in Tarragona the Penya Casal Barcelonista Francesc Serra. This last name has been added lately in honor of the person who at all times was the backbone of a penya that was growing. Francesc Serra left us a few years ago unexpectedly and, despite this hard blow for the penyes in general … Read more

Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the PB Montcada i Reixac

The Penya Barcelonista Montcada i Reixac (Federació Penyes del Vallès) culminated the commemoration of its 50th anniversary in the penyes movement with a gala party last Friday. The event, held at the restaurant Can Piqué in Montcada i Reixac, was attended by several personalities from the world of FC Barcelona, led by its president Joan … Read more