Sports activities in PB Sant Cugat, PB Contestana and PB Lagartera

In addition to the intense activity in terms of events and meetings, the month of June is also characterized by the large presence of sports tournaments organized by FC Barcelona supporters’ clubs. In recent weeks, examples have been seen in the PB Sant Cugat, the PB Contestana and the PB Lagartera.

The ball rolls in PB Sant Cugat and PB Contestana

One of the most active entities in this regard is the Penya Blaugrana de Sant Cugat (Federació Vallès), which in mid-month organized its 12th Festa de l’Esport per a la Infància (Children’s Sports Festival). Attended by more than 300 primary school students from nine schools in Sant Cugat, the event included a 7-a-side football tournament, an exhibition by the junior team of the Club Gimnàstica Sant Cugat and a children’s area with board games and face painting. Also present was the clown Doctor Sapastre, “alter ego” of the president of the PB Badia del Vallès, Lluís Yuste.

For its part, the Penya Barcelonista Contestana (Federació Alacant) continued with the celebration of its 40th anniversary with the celebration of a U10 Tournament of 8-a-side football in the local sports center. The club wanted to support the future of regional football by inviting six teams from their region, which disputed the competition with a format of two groups, semifinals and final. The PB Contestana has valued very positively the initiative.

Paddle in the PB Lagartera

Finally, the Peña Barcelonista de Lagartera (Federación Castilla-La Mancha) opted for another of the most popular activities among the penyes with the organization of its 1st Paddle Tournament. Throughout three intense days of competition, the club brought together 30 couples in two different categories at the sports facilities of La Milagrosa, where they lived days marked by excitement and a good atmosphere among all participants. The PB Lagartera had the collaboration of the City Council and several local businesses, and did not rule out repeating the activity next year.