The Penya Barça de Everest celebrates its officialization

The organization held a massive gathering in Kathmandu to commemorate its formalization as Nepal’s first official FC Barcelona penya.

At the end of July, the first official FC Barcelona penya in Nepal was announced: the Penya Barça de Everest. To celebrate this milestone, the supporters’ club recently organized a massive MeetGreet in the city of Kathmandu that was attended by more than 100 supporters from this Asian region. This event symbolizes the beginning of a new stage for this community of passionate blaugrana fans, who have been supporting FC Barcelona for 10 years.

The event included the unveiling of the new logo of the Penya Barça de Everest, and also a review of the history of the entity until this officialization. In addition to speeches, gifts and several surprises, the MeetGreet was characterized above all by the brotherhood and strong ties between all attendees. This feeling of family and union for the same colors has been one of the characteristic features of the Penya Barça de Everest during all these years; a feature that now promises to be accentuated and consolidated once the penya is officialized.

A very committed penya

This massive meeting is nothing exceptional for the members of the Penya Barça de Everest. Since 2014, the Nepalese fans have met to form and expand this great family, encouraging the relationship between its members and welcoming those who have wanted to join. In addition to watching the matches of the blaugrana team and organizing these meetings, the penya has also made several activities in their territory, such as futsal tournaments.

Of course, the Penya Barça de Everest also has a strong spirit of solidarity, which it puts into practice through its foundation. The penya is mainly directed towards the most needy population, such as the orphanages in its region, where it has organized games and also awareness campaigns on dental hygiene. It has also conducted clothing drives for the underprivileged. In 2015, when an earthquake hit Nepal full force, the penya’s members mobilized to help the victims. It is clear, then, that the Penya Barça de Everest shares all the values that make the FC Barcelona penyes movement unique around the world.