The Penya Barcelonista L’Avi Xaxu, which belongs to the Federació de Penyes Barcelonistes del Maresme, has recently organised a popular bike ride in its town, Malgrat de Mar, for a great solidarity cause. It is the fight against the Dent’s disease, a very minority syndrome that affects the functioning of the kidneys, and that the penya wants to give visibility through the case of Nacho Muñoz, a boy who was diagnosed 14 years ago. His parents are the founders of the Asdent Foundation, which raises funds for research into the disease, and to which all the proceeds from the bike ride have been donated.
In the organization of this activity, the PB L’Avi Xaxu had the collaboration of the MRT Cycling Club and the Els Rodapeus association, as well as the Town Hall of Malgrat de Mar. The bike ride had a familiar character and attracted especially the youngest, who completed a circuit that started and finished at the Bike Park of Malgrat de Mar and went through several streets of the town. The action included a raffle of gifts where several businesses and entities of Malgrat de Mar contributed, and its benefits went entirely to the solidary cause. The family of Nacho participated in the final part of the event and thanked all the participants for their contribution to the fight against Dent’s disease.
A long-lasting commitment
The involvement of the PB L’Avi Xaxu with the Asdent Foundation and with the case of Nacho goes back a long way. In recent years, the penya chaired by Antonio Montal has regularly organised activities and campaigns to raise funds for the foundation, such as futsal tournaments, toy collections and information stands. In addition, the blaugrana organisation is already planning to carry out some more during this year. A charity theater play or a new bicycle and scooter route are some of the actions that are being worked on in the coming months. In this way, the PB L’Avi Xaxu seeks to give impetus and visibility to the Asdent Foundation and its fight against a little-known disease.