Anniversaries of penyes throughout the territory

40th anniversary of PB Motril, 39th of PB Sant Adrià del Besòs, 30th of PB Vilanova i la Vall de Meià and 10th of PB Santa Margarida de Montbui

Numerous penyes throughout the territory took advantage of the weekend break in LaLiga to celebrate their respective anniversaries. One of them was the Peña Azulgrana de Motril (Federación Andalucía, Ceuta y Melilla) which commemorated the 40th anniversary of its creation in an event attended by around a hundred supporters, and in which the Confederació Mundial de Penyes and the Federación Provincial de Peñas de Granada collaborated. The president of the latter, Daniel García, as well as its vice-president, Eduardo Ortiz, were present at the event, where the president of the PB Motril, Roberto Daniel López, acted as host. Also present were Rafael Pichardo, member of the FC Barcelona Social Commission, and former Barça players José Luis Romero and Juan José Almagro.

Meanwhile, the Penya Barcelonista Vilanova i Vall de Meià (Federació Ponent Nord) celebrated its 30th anniversary in the company of its members, supporters and fans. The acting president of the penya, Josep Antonio Novau, led the celebrations. Also present was the president of the Federació Lleida Sud i La Franja, Claudi Bosch, who has roots in this municipality. Representing the Club was Francesc Llobet, member of the Social Comission, as well as former player Vicent Amigó.

Also in Sant Adrià del Besòs and Santa Margarida de Montbui

The Penya Barcelonista Sant Adrià del Besòs (Federació Barcelonès Est) also held a celebration, blowing out the candles of its 39th anniversary with a large representation of its members. Among the more than 70 attendees, the presence of the president of the Federació Barcelonès Est, Francesc Subirats, and former players Paco Martínez and Pepito Ramos stood out. Entities such as PB Gol 3000, PB Teixonera, PB Pep Ventura, PB Poblenou, PB Trinitat Vella, PB Centenari, PB Solera de Calella, PB Mollet del Vallès, PB Sant Cugat and PB Navarcles took part in the event.

Finally, the Penya Blaugrana Santa Margarida de Montbui (Federació Anoia, Alt Penedès i Garraf) organised several events over three days to celebrate its 10 years within the supporters’ clubs movement. Among other activities, there was a theatrical performance of the play ‘Més que un Club, el feixisme contra el Barça’, the painting of a commemorative mural, a ‘correfoc’ and a popular celebration attended by supporters, members and culers of this region.