The Penya Barcelonista Solsona i Comarca (Federació Ponent Nord) organized its 6th Extraordinary Blood Donation Campaign with the collaboration of the organization Donants del Solsonès for six years that every summer involves the residents of their town in a campaign that has a great reception and is surpassing year after year in number of donors. On this occasion, 131 extractions were made, which is equivalent to almost 400 people who can benefit from this collection and thus improve their health. In August, the blood banks are in reserve and it is very important the involvement of everyone, in a month that is usually very weak in terms of donations, due to the summer vacations. The whole day was led by the president of the PB Solsona, Jordi Sendarrubias. The club completed a very Barcelonist weekend with its 9th Cards Tournament.

Sports activities in the PB Isona i Conca Dellà
The Penya Barcelonista Isona i Conca Dellà held three sports tournaments during two days of high participation. The first one was the 7th U14 table tennis tournament. The youngest players enjoyed a day of union with the rest of the Penya, members and Barcelonista fans, in which fair play reigned among the participants. The last day of the tournament also saw the 7th edition of the adult table tennis tournament and the 7th petanque tournament in pairs. More than a hundred participants closed the activities with the presentation of awards to the finalists and winners of each tournament, led by the president of the PB Isona i Conca Dellà, Luis Isanta.