Chapter 16 – The Penya Sagi Barba, founded in 1931

The Penya Sagi Barba is an entity that in 1932 had a powerful football team and organized anniversaries, dances and all kinds of social events. It was a sports and social penya that, with all its activities, brought together a large number of FC Barcelona members. According to La Vanguardia of January 9, 1932, the … Read more

Chapter 15 – The penya Gol de Baix and the death of Gamper

Joan Gamper, founder and five-time president of FC Barcelona, committed suicide in his apartment in Barcelona, located in Girona Street, on July 30, 1930. Ruined by Wall Street Crash of 1929 and suffering from depression since he was turned away from the Club, Gamper had suffered a deterioration of his health in the previous five … Read more

Chapter 14: Penya Levante-Murcia

Doing a bit of science fiction and imaginative fan clubs, we could even consider the Penya Levante-Murcia as the first “pedreta” of the current federations of fan clubs that make up the Confederació Mundial de Penyes del FC Barcelona. Even though the supporters’ club was located in Barcelona, it already gathered, on the one hand, … Read more

Chapter 13 – The FC Barcelona penyes turn 105 years old

FC Barcelona had not yet completed its first twenty years when the Club’s members were already moving among sporting groups known as the Fourth Teams and also among opposing internal tendencies, where the polemics between the followers of the military man Peris de Vargas (with monarchist tendencies) and the new friends of Gamper (with Catalanist … Read more

Chapter 12 – The letters of the Penya “All i Oli” in 1929

The Penya All i Oli was a supporters’ club based in Barcelona that had a football team and was mainly dedicated to playing matches and organising some events. But they were also people who knew a lot about diplomacy: before asking the FC Barcelona board for something, they sent polite letters to open the doors … Read more

Chapter 10 – Igualada: first appearance of Nicolau Casaus

Throughout history, supporters’ clubs have been distinguished between sporting and social, although some have covered and continue to cover both aspects of their activity. In the 1920s, there were many sporting penyes that had football teams, and their origin is probably to be found in the existence of FC Barcelona’s fourth teams. In a previous … Read more

Chapter 9 – The penya “Els Tres”

In 1928, two news pieces appeared both in La Vanguardia and El Mundo Deportivo referring to a penya called Penya “Els Tres”. In the case of La Vanguardia, in its edition of March 3 of that year, it publishes: “Tomorrow at 11.00 am, the popular penya “Els tres” will inaugurate its new premises at Rambla … Read more

Chapter 8 – Penya Gol de Baix: the penya of Joan Gamper

As we have seen in previous chapters, Barça supporters’ clubs already existed and were very active in the 1920s. A very illustrative example of this can be found in 1927 with the Penya Gol de Baix, which organised this peculiar “friendly game” on the morning of the same day that a match was played in … Read more

Chapter 7 – The penyes and Samitier, a very close marriage

Josep Samitier was the promoter of the Penya Solera in 1944, when he returned to Barça to take charge of the bench. The prodigal son’s return could not have gone better, as FC Barcelona won the league title for the second time in 16 years. The Golden Age Barça star’s passion for the supporters’ clubs … Read more