Some Barça supporters’ clubs carry out their traditional drawing competitions during the days leading up to Christmas, putting in relation Barça and these special dates. These initiatives are aimed at the youngest culers, but also encourage inclusion among all the participants, who show their creativity and also their passion for FC Barcelona.
14th Màrius Carretero Memorial
The Penya Barcelonista de Lleida 1970 (Federació Lleida Sud i La Franja) held the 14th edition of the Màrius Carretero Children’s Drawing Memorial, which this year had as its theme the Fira de Sant Miquel and Barça. As is now tradition, primary school pupils from the Sant Jaume-Les Heures School of Lleida took part, submitting a total of 129 drawings to the competition. The prize-giving ceremony, in three categories according to the cycle of primary education (initial, intermediate and higher), took place at the headquarters of the PB Lleida 1970 and was given by Josep Vigatà, president of the organizing penya; Claudi Bosch, president of the Federació de Penyes de Lleida Sud i La Franja; Maribel Castán, widow of Màrius Carretero; and Divina Drudis, president of the Cercle Belles Arts of Lleida. The 14th edition of the Màrius Carretero Children’s Drawing Memorial had the collaboration of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes and the Lleida City Council.

8th Drawing Contest ‘Els Colors del Barça’
Another supporters’ club that has recently presented the prizes for its drawing competition is the Penya Barcelonista Solsona i Comarca (Federació Ponent Nord), which held its 8th “Els Colors del Barça” Drawing Contest. In the Calendar design category, members of the penya from 1st to 6th grade of primary school took part, while in the Bookmark category, the Amisol Association took part, formed by services that seek to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. The prize-giving ceremony was led by Jordi Sendarrubias, president of the PB Solsona i Comarca. The two winning drawings will be, respectively, the image of the Calendar and the Bookmark that the penya will send to its members this Christmas.