Popular lunch by PB El Santo del FC Barcelona
Federation of Aragó, La Rioja & Navarra.
XX drawing and painting competition by PB Villabalter
In the House of Culture in Villabalter. Categories: infantil & junior. Federation of Castilla & León.
Poetry reading at PB “Els Tamarells”
Presentation of the book "Una cadernera en flames", by our member Pere Suau Palou. There will also be a recitation of part of the work "Els Himnes Òrfics", with special reference to Dionysus, the Greek god of wine. The event will be presented by the writer Josep Pizà. The cultural event will be combined with ... Read more
65th Anniversary of PB Igualada
Restaurant Scorpia ⛉ N-II, KM 559, 100, 08711 Òdena, Barcelona, Igualada, Barcelona, EspanyaDinner of the 65th anniversary and delivery of the club's silver badges to supporters with more than 25 years in the PB of Igualada. Federation of Anoia, Alt Penedès & el Garraf.
Fair of entities by PB Viladecans
On 18 and 19 May on the occasion of the feast of St. Isidore. Federation of Baix Llobregat.
XIII football exhibition 3 “Josep Maria Profitós” by PB Villabalter
At the Barcaduro court in Villabalter. Categories: U10 & U12. Federation of Castilla & León.
Dinner at PB Stuttgart
Federation of World.
25th Anniversary of PB Arandina
Will also take place the book presentation DNA Barça by Paco Seirul·lo. Federation of Castilla & León.
Padel Tournament by PB Bon Pastor
Federation of Barcelonès Est.
Participation in the May festivities by PB Poble Nou
Federation of Barcelonès Est.
Presentation of the book “Los tesoros del Barça” at PB Cercle Català de Madrid
Círculo Catalan de Madrid Pl. de España, 6, Centro, 28008 Madrid, Madrid, Madrid, EspanyaBy the author Francesc Aguilar. Federation of Madrid.
Party at PB Residència Font Florida
Federation of Barcelones Oest.