High turnout at the Plenary Meeting of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes

Representatives of almost all the territorial Federations took stock of the season and reviewed future projects.

Last Saturday, the headquarters of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes was the setting for a new Plenary Meeting of the Penyes Council. The meeting had a high turnout, with representatives from almost all of the 30 territorial federations of supporters’ clubs present, half of them in person and the other half online. The meeting took stock of the 2023-24 season, reviewed the current situation of the penyes collective and discussed the projects underway.

A very active season

Antoni Guil, president of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes, was in charge of opening the Plenary, and did so by thanking all the members of the Council for the work carried out in their Federations and for their role within the structure of the organisation. He also spoke about the collaboration of the Confederació with Aficiones Unidas, as well as the desire of the FC Barcelona organisation to talk to all FC Barcelona supporters’ groups in pursuit of the unity of the Barça community.

During the presentation of the Sociocultural Commission, the vice-president of the Confederació, Salva Torres, took stock of a very dynamic season in terms of activities of federations and supporters’ clubs. It is also worth mentioning Juan Carrión‘s speech about the CSR subcommittee, with which the Confederació promotes its solidarity aspect in different areas and defends the values that define all penyes.

Benefits of Aficiones Unidas

The turn for the Economic and Marketing Commission, led by the treasurer of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes, Vicenç Notari, dealt with the benefits that penyes and its members can obtain thanks to their membership of the Confederació and also to the agreements with Aficiones Unidas. In this sense, the new app of this organisation was presented, as well as advantages such as subsidies for LaLiga Bar and coach travel for away matches.

Within this same field, the Institutional and Services Commission explained in more detail the advantages offered by Aficiones Unidas. Among them, it is also worth highlighting the €30 ticket packages for visiting fans, a measure that was already in place last season.