The Cantada d’Havaneres of the Penya Blaugrana l’Escala (Federació l’Empordà i Catalunya Nord) is one of the most crowded activities of those organized annually in the locality, filling the whole environment of the beach. The event was led by David Falgàs, president of the PB L’Escala and the Federació Empordà i Catalunya Nord. There was also the presence of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes with the attendance of Antoni Guil, president of the entity and the secretary, Joan Giménez. Also in attendance were Sisco Pinyol, member of the Consultative Council of the Federació Terres de l’Ebre; Antoni Valverde, president of the Federació de Penyes Barcelonistes del Bages, el Berguedà i la Cerdanya and also of the PB Santpedor and Quim Vall-llosera, president of the Federació Gironès, Selva, Garrotxa i Pla de l’Estany, all of them enjoyed the event that is held punctually every first Thursday of the month of August.
Representation of Catalan penyes
Also present were some penyes from Alt Empordà, Osona and Gironés, such as PB Figueres, PB Salt, PB Solera de Calella, PB Manresa and PB Avi Xaxu de Malgrat de Mar. The three groups, Boira, Barcarola and Arjau were interspersed their performances until the climax of the evening, when all the groups went on stage together to interpret ‘El meu avi’, ‘Bella Lola’ and the ‘Cant dels Segadors’, with which closes each year the Cantada d’Havaneres de l’Escala. This year the presentation was in charge of the actress Cristina Brondo.