Once again, the penyes show that, beyond cheering on FC Barcelona and spreading blaugrana sentiment around the world, they are also an example of commitment to the society in which they live. Especially, when difficult times require all possible help for those who are having a hard time. The latest case is that of the Penya Barcelonista Lleó de Dues Cues (FCB World Federation), which has mobilized due to the severe floods that are affecting the Czech Republic and much of central Europe.
On the one hand, the penya has participated with an economic contribution to the fundraising campaign SOS Floods Czech Republic, which is promoted by the non-profit organization People In Need. Its destination are food banks for the affected population, evacuation centers, rescue services and also the teams of volunteers who participate in the tasks in the flooded territory. Precisely, several members of the PB Lleó de Dues Cues have joined this volunteering to travel to the most affected regions and help in both flood containment and assistance to people.

From the Czech penya, they state that “our participation in this campaign follows the values defended by FC Barcelona. We are ‘Més que un Club’ (More than a Club), and for us this slogan symbolizes the values of solidarity, help and responsibility, which are deeply rooted in the DNA of both the Club and our penya”. In the same way, the PB Lleó de Dues Cues encourages all penya members, Club members, fans and the general public to join this fundraiser.