The PB Som un Sentiment and the PB Villa del Río celebrate their Member’s Day

The penya from Lleida paid tribute to Vicent Amigó and Joan Poquí, while the penya from Cordoba recognized its most loyal members.

Recently, two FC Barcelona supporters’ clubs celebrated their Member’s Day, where they brought together a good part of their members to celebrate a festive day and also to pay tribute to important figures of the blaugrana movement. These were the Penya Blaugrana Som un Sentiment (Federació Lleida Sud i la Franja) and the Peña Barcelonista Villa del Río (Federación Andalucía, Ceuta y Melilla).

Tribute to Vicent Amigó and Joan Poquí

The PB Som un Sentiment gathered more than 70 blaugrana supporters in a new edition of its traditional Member’s Party, which was held at the Club Tennis Urgell, on the outskirts of the city of Lleida. With the president of the penya, Dani Rovira, at the head, the day had a festive atmosphere and was full of activities for all attendees. It is worth mentioning the tribute that the penya paid to the former goalkeeper Vicent Amigó, representative of the Agrupació de Jugadors del FC Barcelona. On the other hand, the PB Som un Sentiment presented the first edition of the Poma d’Or (Golden Apple) award for Blaugrana Passion, which was awarded to Joan Poquí, journalist of the Mundo Deportivo newspaper.

Football, assembly and acknowledgments

As for the PB Villa del Río, it held its 11th Members’ Day with the participation of around a hundred of its supporters. The day began with the traditional friendly 7-a-side football match involving members of the penya and their families, which gave way to the ordinary assembly of members of the Cordovan entity. Finally, a fraternity lunch at the headquarters of the PB Villa del Río culminated the meeting, in which the entity wanted to acknowledge, as every year, its most loyal members; they were Benito López, Rafael Martínez and Juan Rafael Izquierdo, who received a commemorative plaque. For this year, the PB Villa del Río has a total of 118 members.