The PB Torelló commemorates its 50th anniversary

Big celebration with 120 people, blaugrana parade and tribute to presidents and founders.

The Penya Blaugrana de Torelló, which belongs to the Federació de Penyes d’Osona i el Ripollès, dressed up last Sunday to commemorate the 50th anniversary of its creation. To do so, the supporters’ club organised an intense day of blaugrana passion in their town, in which culers of all ages took part.

Reception and parade

The events got underway at midday with an official reception at the Torelló Town Hall. Antonio Escudero, vice-president of FC Barcelona; Dionís Crusellas, president of the Federació Osona i Ripollès; Francesc Xavier Canudas, president of the PB Torelló; and former Barça player Antonio Olmo were present. All of them were received by the mayor of Torelló, Marçal Ortuño, and the sports councillor, Montserrat Tort. After the speeches and the exchange of gifts, the protagonists signed the town hall’s Book of Honour.

Then, the retinue moved to the venue of the celebration with a parade that was enlivened by the Colla Gegantera i Grallera de Sant Pere de Torelló, and which mobilised young and old to celebrate this historic milestone of the local Barça supporters’ club. At the end of the parade, a plaque commemorating the 50th anniversary was unveiled on the sculpture that the PB Torelló has in the town.

Big final party

The big celebration party was attended by more than 120 people, with a large presence of members of the PB Torelló, as well as 14 other penyes of the Federació Osona i Ripollès. The president of the Federació Gironès, Selva, Garrotxa i Pla de l’Estany, Quim Vall-Llosera, also participated, as well as a representative of the PB Solera Calella (Federació Maresme).

During the event, the PB Torelló paid tribute to Jaume Rovira, who was one of the founders of the club 50 years ago, as well as to Josep Tort and Francesc Jofre, two former presidents of the entity. Some anniversary souvenirs were also handed out to all the guests and gifts were raffled off. In addition, all those attending the 50th anniversary of PB Torelló were able to see the exhibition of historic FC Barcelona shirts, thanks to the private collection of Carles Mir, a member of the PB Almogàvers Empordà (Fed. Empordà i Catalunya Nord).