4th eSports Tournament of the Penya Barcelonista Vilamajor’s

The supporters’ club of the Federació Vallès once again registered a great participation among the local youth, who enjoyed a day of fun and blaugrana passion.

The commitment to eSports is still very much alive among the FC Barcelona supporters’ clubs. This activity, promoted by the Confederació Mundial de Penyes, is particularly aimed at the youngest fans and combines the playful environment of video games with a passion for football and Barça. All this, in an atmosphere of excitement and competitiveness, but above all of respect and group fun.

One of the organizations that has already consolidated this activity is the Penya Barcelonista Vilamajor’s (Federació de Penyes del Vallès), which organized its 4th FIFA Tournament at the end of August, as part of the town’s local festivities. Held at the “Patronat de Sant Antoni de Vilamajor”, the tournament was attended by 32 young participants who put their skills to the test at the gamepads. In a knockout format, the games were played until the winner was crowned, who won a PlayStation 5 as a prize. In addition to the other prizes for the top finishers, the PB Vilamajor’s also raffled gifts for the participants, with the collaboration of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes.

The FIFA Tournament has already established itself as one of the most successful initiatives of the PB Vilamajor’s, chaired by Quim Vergés. The youngest of the town (and other towns nearby) look forward to it when the holidays arrive, and that is why the penya is already thinking about the 5th edition, next year.

Upcoming tournaments

Another blaugrana entity of the Federation of Vallès that is already preparing its first eSports tournament is the Penya Blaugrana de Figaró-Montmany. It will be held on Saturday, October 19, and will once again count with the collaboration of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes. In addition, other clubs have also shown their interest in this initiative for next autumn.

During the last months, eSports have also been protagonists in the Penya Barcelonista Sant Joan Despí (Federació Baix Llobregat), where they hold tournaments on a regular frequency, and in the Penya Barcelonista de Ripollet (Federació del Vallès), which included it in the celebration of its 50th anniversary. In both cases, there was a great success of participation among the youngest FC Barcelona supporters.