The penyes take part in the National Day of Catalonia once again

For yet another year, the Diada Nacional de Catalunya (National Day of Catalonia) demonstrated the strong link that exists between Barça passion and Catalan sentiment. In addition to FC Barcelona’s official offering at the monument to Rafael Casanova in the Catalan capital, the Confederació Mundial de Penyes, the territorial federations and the penyes celebrated the Diada Nacional de Catalunya, and many of them were fully involved in the commemorative events in their respective localities. All of this added a blaugrana touch to this special day for all the Catalan people.

In Barcelona, organisations such as the PB Almogàvers and the PB Nostra Ensenya (Fed. Barcelonès Oest) went to the Fossar de les Moreres. The PB Sang Culé (Fed. Barcelonès Est) also took part, and even had a stand with penya’s merchandising. As for the PB Les Corts (Fed. Barcelonès Oest), they once again visited the Monument to General Moragues to pay tribute to him.

Throughout Catalonia, and also abroad

Other penyes that participated in the floral offerings of the Diada Nacional de Catalunya held in their towns were the PB Sant Adrià de Besos (Fed. Barcelonès Est); the PB Sant Andreu de la Barca and the PB Gavanenca (Fed. Baix Llobregat); the PB Sant Cugat, the PB Jove Cerdanyola, the PB Mollet del Vallès, the PB Parets del Vallès, the PB Ripollet and the PB Figaró-Montmany (Fed. Vallès); the PB Almogàvers Empordà (Fed. Empordà and Catalunya Nord); the PB Breda (Fed. Gironès, Selva, Garrotxa i Pla de l’Estany); the PB Mataró and the PB Tordera (Fed. Maresme); and the PB L’Ametlla de Mar, the PB El Perelló and the PB Lligallos (Fed. Terres de l’Ebre), among many others.

The link between blaugrana passsion and Catalan sentiment was also evident outside Catalonia thanks to the penyes of the FCB World Federation. Of particular note were those that form part of or collaborate with the Casals Catalans in their countries, but also all those that spread the feeling of belonging to Catalonia that is inherent to FC Barcelona. In addition to congratulating the Diada, there are even some, such as PB Gent Barcelonista in Bogotá, which explained the origin of 11 September to their members and supporters. In this way, the penyes not only export their passion for Barça around the world, but also spread the values and history of Catalonia.