Penyes from many territories carried out solidarity actions last weekend, with the support of their respective territorial federations and the participation of many of their members.
Actions of PB Pedrito and PB L’Avi Xaxu
One of them was the Peña Barcelonista Pedrito (Federación Canarias), which made a new delivery of food and personal hygiene products worth 1,000 euros to the Copile Association, which helps disadvantaged families in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. This kind of donations are usual in PB Pedrito, which every year makes the traditional collection of food and toys in its Solidarity Christmas so that no child is left without a toy for these special dates. In addition, every time a new school year starts in September, they collect school supplies for the families of children with few resources.
In the same vein, the Penya Barcelonista L’Avi Xaxu (Federació Maresme) recently organized a collection of plastic caps and sale of second-hand toys for the benefit of the Asdent association, which focuses on a rare disease suffered by a young local kid. The penya will again set up its stand next Sunday 26 May in Malgrat de Mar, where they will also prepare some games for children.

PB Contestana, PB Villal-Barça and PB Cambrils also mobilised
Another supporters’ club that mobilized for a solidarity cause was the Penya Barcelonista Contestana (Federació Alacant), which organized a blood donation day at its premises with the participation of more than 40 members, supporters’ club members and friends of the blaugrana supporters’ club. Blood donations are a prolific activity among the FC Barcelona supporters’ clubs movement, as recently demonstrated by the PB Solsona i Comarca (Federació Ponent Nord) and the Federació Lleida Sud i la Franja. Soon, the Confederació Mundial de Penyes will also commemorate World Blood Donation Day.
Finally, two penyes collaborated with two respective sports and solidarity initiatives. On the one hand, the Peña Barcelonista Villal-Barça (Federación Castilla-La Mancha) took part in a Solidarity March against Cancer, for the benefit of the Spanish Association Against Cancer. The event had a high participation of supporters and demonstrated the commitment of the supporters’ collective to this cause. On the other hand, the PB Cambrils (Fed. Tarragona Nord) was involved in the 3rd edition of Swim for ELA, a solidarity swim race to raise funds for the research of this disease, with the participation of 250 swimmers.