The month of June usually sees an intensification of activity of the supporters’ clubs movement, which is mobilized as a way to close the season and also to start the new course. One of the first big events in this sense was the XV Meeting of Penyes of Lleida Sud i la Franja, which took place last Sunday in the town of Alpicat, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the local entity: the Penya Blaugrana d’Alpicat. The event, co-organized by the host penya, the Federació de Penyes Barcelonistes de Lleida Sud i la Franja and the Alpicat City Council, brought together more than 150 supporters, with a total of 27 penyes represented from the aforementioned federation.
On behalf of FC Barcelona, the directive Josep Ignasi Macià was present, along with other institutional representatives, while the Federació Lleida Sud i la Franja was headed by its president, Claudi Bosch. All of them were received by the president of the PB Alpicat, Marçal Abella, as well as by the mayor of Alpicat, Joan Gilart, and the councilor of culture, Isidre Fernández. Also attended the event Juan Manuel Asensi, president of the Agrupació de Jugadors del FC Barcelona, and former FC Barcelona player Jofre Mateu, a native of Alpicat.
Intense noon of activity
The events of the XV Trobada de Penyes de Lleida Sud i la Franja started at noon with the reception of the attendees at the headquarters of the PB Alpicat. This was followed by a traditional “sardana” dance in the Plaça de l’Esglesia, which gave way to the official reception at the City Council. Finally, the attendees moved to the Sala de la Unió, in the foyer of which there was an exhibition of cartoons published by the cartoonist Kap in Mundo Deportivo. This was the venue of the gala party, which culminated the Trobada and commemorate the 25th anniversary of the PB Alpicat. After the usual speeches, thanks and exchange of gifts, a musical performance closed the event.
After spending a festive day full of blaugrana passion, the supporters’ clubs of the Federació Lleida Sud i la Franja have already arranged to meet again in Agramunt next September. The reason: the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Penya Barcelonista d’Agramunt i Comarca.