One of the longest active supporters’ clubs, the Penya Solera Barcelonista de Calella (Federació Maresme), celebrated its 66th anniversary last weekend with a double event in its town. he first was the usual fanfare and popular dinner that the penya organises every year on Passeig Manuel Puigvert, which brings together hundreds of Calella residents and also involves several local entities. This year, the event included an exhibition by the La Fábrica dance school, as well as a live music performance.
The following day, it was the turn of the fraternal meal that the PB Solera of Calella organises every two years, which usually brings together a wide representation of FC Barcelona supporters’ clubs. This time, among the 110 attendees, there were up to 31 penyes from all over the country, which is a new record for an event of this type. The meal was attended by Isidre Argelés, president of the PB Solera de Calella; Manel Flores, vice-president of the Federació Maresme; Gabriel Cid, member of the Social Commission of FC Barcelona; and Manel Vicente, sports councillor of Calella.

Three decades of PB Traiguera
For its part, the Penya Barça de Traiguera (Federació Terres de l’Ebre) celebrated its 30th anniversary accompanied by numerous supporters. The acts were led by its president, Josep Esteller, and by the member of the Consell Consultiu of this territory, Sisco Pinyol, and included a tribute to all the presidents and members of the board of the penya during these three decades. The PB Traiguera representative for the local festivities, scheduled for mid-August, was also presented. It was a festive day, full of blaugrana passion.