Many FC Barcelona supporters’ clubs are celebrating their anniversaries during this final stretch of the season, and last weekend was a good example of this, with events throughout the territory. The Peña Barcelonista Villa del Río (Federación Andalucía, Ceuta y Melilla), the Penya Blaugrana Roda de Ter i les Masies de Roda (Federació Osona i Ripollès), the Penya Barcelonista Baix Camp (Federació Tarragona Nord) and the Penya Barcelonista La Sénia (Federació Terres de l’Ebre) held their respective celebrations with their members and friends..
40th of the PB Villa del Río and 35th of the PB Roda de Ter i les Masies de Roda
The PB Villa del Río dressed up to commemorate its 40th anniversary. Present were the president and secretary of the Fed. Andalucía, Ceuta and Melilla, José Antonio Adame and Diego Peral, as well as the president of the host PB Villa del Río, Rafael Ledesma. Also in attendance were Miguel Reina, ex-player of FC Barcelona, and Rosendo Romero and Rafael Pichardo, members of the Club’s Social Commission. . The mayor of Villa del Río, Jesús Morales, headed the authorities. After the reception at the headquarters of the penya and the celebration of a colloquium, the final party closed a very special blaugrana day.
For its part, the PB Roda de Ter i les Masies de Roda celebrated its 35th anniversary with about 100 members and two days of celebrations. On Saturday, at the Museu de l’Esquerda de Roda, there was an exhibition of Barça shirts by Carles Mir and the conference “Barça i Catalunya: Els orígens de la simbiosi”, by Salva Torres. Next, journalist Queralt Arias interviewed economist Marc Círia. On Sunday, the gala party was attended by Dionís Crusellas, president of the Fed. Osona i Ripollès, as well as Ignasi Montagut, member of the Social Commission, and ex-player Antonio Olmo. The mayors of Roda de Ter, Toni Mas, and Les Masies de Roda, Jordi Vistós. The PB Tona, the PB Taradell, the PB Camprodón and the PB Torelló joined the celebration.

PB Baix Camp celebrates its 43rd anniversary and PB La Sénia its 40th
Another penya that celebrated its anniversary, in this case the 43rd, was the PB Baix Camp. It did so with a ceremony in Reus with the presence of the president of the aforementioned penya, Ricard Centelles; the president of the Federació Tarragona Nord, Josep Borrull; and the member of the Advisory Council, Joan Amigó. Also present were Paco Martínez, former player of FC Barcelona, and Jordi Brull, member of the Social Area of FC Barcelona. All of them shared a commemorative lunch.
Finally, the PB La Sénia hosted about 15 supporters’ clubs from the same federation of Terres de l’Ebre to commemorate its 40th anniversary. The day began at the headquarters of the penya, from which departed a parade that put blaugrana color to the town of La Sénia. The final party, led by the president of the host supporters’ club, Carlos Delmonte, culminated the celebration.