The Penya Blaugrana de L’Escala (Federació de Penyes de l’Empordà i la Catalunya Nord) had a weekend full of activity to celebrate its 45th anniversary. The agenda of events got underway on Saturday afternoon with a clear historical character. In the Plenary Hall of the Town Hall of L’Escala, took place the representation of the conference “Ambaixades: La Història de les Penyes” (Embassies: The history of penyes), by Salva Torres, vice-president of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes. This was followed by the presentation of the book “L’Avi Joan”, by Jordi Monturiol, which is dedicated to the figure of Joan Casals, l’Avi del Barça. Both events brought the history of Barça and its supporters’ clubs closer to the attendees.
Main celebration with more than 150 people
On Sunday, it was the turn of the main celebration of the 45th anniversary of the PB L’Escala, which brought together more than 150 people in the Multipurpose Hall of L’Escala. Present were Antoni Guil, president of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes; David Falgàs, president of the PB L’Escala and the Federació Empordà i Catalunya Nord; and federation presidents Antoni Valverde (Bages, Berguedà i Cerdanya) and Joaquim Vall-llosera (Gironès, Selva, Garrotxa i Pla de l’Estany). Also in attendance were Marc Círia, Marc Duch and former FC Barcelona executive Antoni Rovira. The mayor of L’Escala, Josep Bofill, and the councilman of services, Robert Figueras, also wanted to accompany the PB L’Escala in its 45th anniversary.
The penyes of Santpedor, Arbúcies, Banyoles, La Bisbal, Cotlliure, Blanes, Alt Empordà, Solera Calella and Manresa joined the celebration, which culminated with a singing of habaneras by the local group Oreig de Mar. In addition, all attendees entered a raffle of blaugrana gifts and other prizes provided by several local stores that collaborate with the blaugrana entity. The PB L’Escala distributed a keychain and a 2025 calendar to all guests as a souvenir of this day.

Inminent release of the new t-shirt of the penya
To culminate this special week, the PB L’Escala plans to present imminently the new t-shirt of the penya. It is a blaugrana design personalized with the symbols of the penya, and it is intended for its members of all ages to wear it when traveling, watching matches or in any other event. One of them could be the 3rd edition of the PB L’Escala Christmas Dinner, which will take place in mid-December.