More than 300 youngsters at the 8th PB Sant Cugat Mixed Night Tournament

The club brought together 24 teams from schools and social organisations to promote equality, fair play and good habits among the young people of Sant Cugat.

One of the most consolidated activities of the Penya Blaugrana Sant Cugat (Federació Vallès) is its Night Mixed 7-a-side Football Tournament “Enganxa’t als Bons Hàbits” (Get hooked on good habits), which last weekend reached its 8th edition. Once again, the event was a great success in terms of participation, with 24 teams from different secondary and high schools, sports and cultural organisations, community centres and civic centres in Sant Cugat, with a total of 300 participants aged between 12 and 18 years old.

The matches were held in two venues. At the Camp Municipal de Can Magí, the youngest category (from 1st to 3rd ESO) took place between 9pm and midnight, while the ZEM La Guinardera field hosted the older boys and girls (from 4th ESO to 2nd Baccalaureate) between 10pm and 1am. All the teams were mixed, with a minimum of three female players in their ranks, and always two of them on the pitch, thus always promoting equality.

“Enganxa’t als Bons Hàbits” awareness workshops

Beyond the sporting aspect, the Night Mixed 7-a-side Football Tournament “Enganxa’t als Bons Hàbits” once again had an obligatory educational component: the awareness workshops, given by the company SEER Salut i Educació Emocional, with the aim of instilling healthy and positive habits in youngsters.. Amb això, la penya busca fomentar no només l’esport, sinó els bons hàbits de salut i també el joc net entre tots els participants. The assessment of the day was very positive by all those involved.

The event was attended by Josep Maria Félez, president of the PB Sant Cugat; Núria Escamilla, sports councillor of the Sant Cugat City Council; Núria Subirà, coordinator of studies at the Escola de Fisioteràpia dels Escoles Universitàries Gimbernat; Xavier Requeno, manager of TeamPartners; and Ester Alós and Joan Carles Galofré, creators of the Night Mixed 7-a-side Football Tournament “Enganxa’t als Bons Hàbits” eighth years ago.