The 1st Joan Casals Memorial at Guardiola de Berguedà was a success

The PB Guardiola de Berguedà was the host of a day that included a match between veterans and an emotional tribute with the presence of more than 160 people and over 30 penyes represented

The 1st Joan Casals i Boixader “l’Avi del Barça” Memorial took place last Saturday in Guardiola de Berguedà. The event that paid tribute to this emblematic figure of the blaugrana universe just a year after his decease. The initiative was organized by the Penya Blaugrana de Guardiola, of which Joan Casals was a member, and counted with the collaboration of the Federació de Penyes Barcelonistes del Bages, Berguedà i Cerdanya, the Confederació Mundial de Penyes, the Agrupació de Jugadors del FC Barcelona and the Town Council of Guardiola de Berguedà.

The day began with a friendly match between a team of the Agrupació de Jugadors del FC Barcelona and a veterans team of the PB Guardiola. With the scoreboard as a secondary element, the match took place in a festive and emotional atmosphere in the Municipal Field of Guardiola de Berguedà. The kick-off was made by Joana Morillas, widow of Joan Casals, accompanied by her son Joan, who also participated in the match. In the stands, many supporters and friends of the family enjoyed this special event.

Big tribute

After the match, the main event of the 1st Joan Casals Memorial took place in the Multipurpose Hall of Guardiola de Berguedà, where more than 160 people representing more than 30 penyes from different parts of the country gathered. The event was presented by Salva Torres, vice president of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes, and was attended by the relatives of Joan Casals. His son Joan starred in one of the most emotional moments with his words of thanks to all those present for attending the event and for the esteem and affection they showed towards his father.

Other speakers included Antoni Guil, president of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes; Antoni Valverde, president of the Federació de Penyes del Bages, Berguedà i Cerdanya; Gemma Costa, president of the PB Guardiola; Juan Manuel Asensi and Rafa Zuviría, representing the Agrupació de Jugadors; Jordi Casals, president of Barça Atlètic; and Ferran Sayes, mayor of Guardiola de Berguedà. All of them praised the figure of Casals, who for almost 40 years gave life and personality to the emblematic character created by the cartoonist Valentí Castanys in 1924.

The event was also attended by Ramon Burniol, former president of the Federació Bages, Berguedà i Cerdanya and companion of Joan Casals in trips and events for many years, and Jordi Monturiol, author of the book “L’Avi Joan”. All of them were given a printed reproduction of an original work of Castanys with the Avi del Barça as the protagonist. It was a nice memory of a day full of emotion and Barça passion, and that seeks to have continuity so that the memory and legacy of Joan Casals will last for many years.