The 3×3 Championship of the PB Calaf i Comarca breaks records on its 20th anniversary

Over 430 players, divided into 92 teams in the “babys” and veterans categories, exceeded the organisation’s forecasts, which had to add an extra day of competition.

The 20th edition of the 3×3 Football Championship that the Penya Barcelonista de Calaf i Comarca (Federació Anoia, Alt Penedès and Garraf) organises every second weekend of July beat its record number of players and teams. In total, more than 430 players took part in 92 teams, many of them from Calaf, but also from several towns in Central Catalonia. There was also a high participation of women’s teams. This massive response forced the organisers to move the start of the tournament forward by one day, which was held from 10 to 14 July and included from the “babys” to the veterans’ categories. The schedules were also extended to allow for all the matches to be played.

In addition to celebrating its 20th birthday, this year the 3×3 Championship of the PB of Calaf i Comarca celebrated its 16th edition as the Jordi Borràs Memorial. Once again, the initiative had the mobilization of the whole town, which already considers it as the unofficial start of the summer in Calaf. The venue was once again the Plaça de Barcelona ’92, in a structure provided by the Diputació de Barcelona which, this year, had new artificial turf for the first time.

Exciting matches and a festive atmosphere

The PB Calaf y Comarca 3×3 Football Championship is played on a 20×10 metre closed track, with teams of three players and two goals of a size similar to those of roller hockey. The matches last 10 minutes and are played at a frenetic pace, in a format that contributes to the excitement until the last minute. In fact, the last 60 seconds are a countdown to the theme tune of the English TV series Benny Hill; a fact that has become one of the hallmarks of the tournament. This excitement on the pitch is transferred to the outside of the court, where the atmosphere is completely festive from start to finish and there is great support for all the participating teams.

In addition to the winning teams in each category, the PB Calaf i Comarca 3×3 Football Championship also awarded the best players of the tournament in the male and female categories, which this year were Alfred Martínez and Laia Belando. In addition, several prizes were raffled among all participants. This 20th edition also had a charitable and committed character, since the PB Calaf i Comarca made a donation of 300 euros to the “Marató del Campanari de Calaf”, a campaign that raises funds to restore the bell tower of the municipality.

Winners by category
  • U-7: BAR CANET
  • Women’s juniors: LES 5 ESTRELLES
  • U-15: LA COPPE IMB
  • Women’s seniors: TIKI TAKA IGUALADA TEAM
  • Male’s seniors: LLENYES BATÓ