The Penya Barcelonista de La Bisbal d’Empordà (Federació Empordà i Catalunya Nord) commemorated its 33rd anniversary with a big party that brought together some 220 people. Among them were Jaume Fuster, president of the PB La Bisbal d’Empordà; Pitu Comadevall, member of the Agrupació de Jugadors del FC Barcelona; and Oscar Aparicio, mayor of La Bisbal d’Empordà. The supporters’ clubs of Blanes, Palafrugell, L’Escala, Palamós, Montgrí i Comarca, Pals and Alt Empordà also took part in the event, which included the presentation to Comadevall of an exclusive ceramic plate commemorating the 125th anniversary of FC Barcelona. The celebration ended with a “quina” (bingo) with great prizes. Among other things, the PB La Bisbal d’Empordà stands out for its involvement with the inclusive football team Baix Empordà Special.

20 years of the PB Palafolls and the PB Moriles
Meanwhile, the Penya Barcelonista Josep Suñol Garriga de Palafolls (Federació Maresme) celebrated its 20th anniversary with a festive day in their town. The penya welcomed the attendees with a breakfast, followed by a parade enlivened by the “gegantons” (little giants) of Palafolls to the town hall, where the mayor Francesc Alemany received the blaugrana entourage. This was led by the president of the PB Palafolls, Fermín Alberto Castillo; the president of the Federació de Penyes del Maresme, Ramon Pruna; and former player Paco Martínez. The day culminated with a big party with all the guests, among which there were representatives of the PB Mataró, PB Tordera, PB Blanes 1976 and PB Solera Calella.
The Peña Barcelonista de Moriles (Federación Andalucía, Ceuta y Melilla) also celebrated its 20th anniversary with an event at its headquarters with the participation of more than 60 people. Hosted by its president, Luis Jesús Medina, the event was attended by José Antonio Adame, president of the Federación de Peñas de Andalucía, Ceuta y Melilla, and Francisca Carmona, mayoress of Moriles. During the celebration, in which the triplet was exhibited thanks to the collaboration of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes, the tribute to Juan Guardeño, founder of the peña and current treasurer, stood out in recognition of his commitment to this Cordovan Barcelonista entity.