Tournaments for all ages at the PB Tortosa, the PB Anglès and the PB Monells

The Federació Terres de l’Ebre organized its 1st Table Football Tournament, while the PB Anglès and the PB Monells held a new edition of their respective card championships.

The summer is approaching its final stretch, and FC Barcelona supporters’ clubs from all over the country continue to offer various popular activities aimed at audiences of all ages. These events that are often framed in the local festivities that usually take place during these dates in many towns and villages.

Table soccer takes center stage

One of the entities that has recently mobilized is the Penya Barcelonista de Tortosa (Federació Terres de l’Ebre), which last week organized its 1st Table Football Tournament. The activity took place in the Town Hall Square of Tortosa, as part of the festival of the Association “Va per tu Vidal”, which promotes sport, culture and solidarity. The competition had a dozen pairs of children between 10 and 15 years old, who played several heats to decide the final winner. All this, with an atmosphere full of emotion, sportsmanship and passion. The tournament attracted many people and counted with the collaboration of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes, as well as other local entities of Tortosa.

“Botifarra” championships

The card championships in the popular modality of “botifarra” have also been protagonists during the last days. In the case of the Penya Blaugrana Monells (Federació Empordà i Catalunya Nord), the 2nd edition of the competition was held, with the participation of 60 players in total. The penya celebrated the success of this event, in which there was a very good atmosphere, and is already thinking about its 3rd edition next year.

For its part, the Penya Blaugrana d’Anglès (Federació Gironès, Selva, Garrotxa i Pla de l’Estany) reached the 4th edition of its “Botifarra” Championship with an important participation, which exceeded the total of 60 players. The event was held in the gardens of Can Cendra, where there was also a clearly festive atmosphere among all participants. In addition, the penya screened the match between Barça and Valladolid, which coincided with the championship.