180 supporters at the XXIV Meeting of Penyes of Castelló

It was held in Montán and, among other activities, included a conference on the history of the supporters’ clubs and a tribute to “Avi del Barça”.

After the great success of the XV Meeting of Penyes of Lleida Sud i la Franja at the beginning of this month, last weekend the penyes from Castelló took the baton with their big annual event: the Meeting of Penyes Barcelonistes of Castelló. Its XXIV edition took place in the town of Montán and brought together around 180 supporters representing around 20 penyes from this area. The event was organised by the Federació de Penyes de les Comarques de Castelló, the Penya Blaugrana de Montán and the Montán Town Council, with the collaboration of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes.

The Meeting got underway on Friday in the Montán municipal multi-purpose hall with the conference “Ambaixades. La Història de les Penyes” (Embassies. The story of penyes), by Salva Torres, vice-president of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes. The talk, which gives a historical overview of the more than one hundred years of existence of the supporters’ clubs movement, was followed with great interest by the supporters. Afterwards, the attendees celebrated a fraternity dinner.

Tribute to the Avi del Barça

Saturday was a particularly intense day at the XXIV Meeting of Penyes Barcelonistes of Castelló. After a reception of the penyes at the headquarters of the PB Montán, there was a popular breakfast followed by a guided cultural visit to the Convent of the Servite Fathers. At midday, the activity moved to the Town Hall square to welcome the FC Barcelona delegation, led by the vice-president Antonio Escudero. Along with the mayor of Montán, Sergio Fornas, the president of the Federació de Penyes de les Comarques de Castelló, Ximo Grifoll, along with his board of directors, and also the president of the PB Montán, Juan Hidalgo-Saavedra, were present. Miguel Ángel Cruz, president of the Federación de Peñas Extremeñas del FC Barcelona, did not miss it either.

The final party closed a meeting that also had a special remembrance for the “Avi del Barça”, who passed away last February. His son, Joan Casals, was present and received the affection and recognition of all those present in memory of his iconic father. All in all, the XXIV Meeting of Penyes of Castelló was a great blaugrana party that left a very good memory to all the attendees.