Coinciding with the break in the La Liga calendar, several penyes chose last weekend to celebrate their anniversaries.
One of those was the Penya Blaugrana de Cervelló (Fed. Baix Llobregat), which finally commemorated its 25th anniversary after having to postpone it in 2020 due to the pandemic. The event, in which the Confederació Mundial de Penyes collaborated, began in the afternoon with the presentation of the book “La història d’un somni”, by Xavier Depares, which reviews the quarter century of the PB Cervelló. Then, the celebration party gathered more than 120 people, with the presence of Vicenç Notari, president of the PB Cervelló and the Federació Baix Llobregat; Jordi Pueyo, member of the Barça Social Commission; Pere Valentí Mora, member of the Agrupació Barça Jugadors; and former representative Josep Maria Minguella. All of them participated in a debate on blaugrana current affairs.

Two anniversaries in the Federació Ponent Nord
The Penya Barcelonista Solsona i Comarca (Fed. Ponent Nord) also had a very special weekend on the occasion of its 40th anniversary. With its president Jordi Sendarrubias at the head, the penya lived two days full of activities. On Saturday there were different raffles among those present in a celebration, a darts tournament and finally the representation of the first part of the conference ‘Barça i Catalunya’, by Salva Torres and Xavier Gamper, with Aksana Vayevoda in the technical part. On Sunday, the gala celebration took place, with the presence of several Catalan penyes and the former player Francisco Martínez.
Finally, the Penya Barcelonista Isona i Conca Dellà (Fed. Ponent Nord) commemorated its 15th anniversary by organizing many activities with its members, led by its president Lluís Isanta. During the celebration there were blaugrana presents for the attendees and a video of images collected during these 15 years was projected.