Concord was the dominant note during the preview of the match between Girona and Barça last Saturday, and a good example of this was the colloquium “L’afició i el futbol modern“, organized on Friday by the Federació de Penyes del Girona FC, the Federació de Penyes Barcelonistes del Gironès, Selva, Pla de l’Estany i Garrotxa, and the Federació de Penyes Barcelonistes de l’Empordà i Catalunya Nord. The talk addressed the evolution and current situation of Spanish football, and the important role played by the fans in maintaining its essence. It also meant a warm up for the next day’s match.
Great assistance
The colloquium, which was held at the Espai Fundació “La Caixa” in Girona, had as speakers the journalists Jordi Grau, Jordi Roura, Jordi Sunyer and Josep Guardiola; the writer Josep Maria Fonalleras; the actor and humorist Fel Faixedas; and the president of Aficiones Unidas, Jorge Guerrero. All of them were moderated by journalist Francesc Carcassés.
Among the 200 people attending the event, it is worth mentioning the presence of Maria Elena Fort, vice-president of FC Barcelona; Delfí Geli, president of Girona FC; Antoni Guil, president of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes and vice-president of Aficiones Unidas, stood out; Quim Vall-llosera, president of the Federació de Penyes Barcelonistes del Gironès, Selva, Pla de l’Estany i Garrotxa; Vicenç Notari, treasurer of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes; Josep Oliva, delegate of the Consell Consultiu de Penyes; and Cristóbal Sánchez, president of the Federació de Penyes del Girona FC.
The event was also attended by supporters’ clubs from the territory, such as PB Arbúcies, PB Salt, PB Maçanet de la Selva, PB Banyoles, PB L’Escala, PB St. Feliu Pallerols, PB Blanes, PB Vidreres and PB Cassà, among others. They were joined by representatives of Girona FC supporters’ clubs.
This is the fifth time that the Barça and Girona supporters’ clubs federations have organised a meeting of this kind. This is in line with the receptions that the Confederació Mundial de Penyes is organizing for the supporters’ clubs of the opposing teams, within the framework of the concord promoted by Aficiones Unidas.