Once the Champions League group stage draw was over, the Bayerischer Penya Blaugrana in Munich set out to welcome the Barça supporters to their city. And so it did this week, on the occasion of the Bayern-Barça game on Tuesday. Munich was dyed in blaugrana thanks to the supporters’ clubs.
On Monday night, the Bavarian supporters’ club, which belongs to the World Federation, organized a dinner attended by Josep-Ignasi Macià, board member of FC Barcelona’s Social Area, as well as several members of PB Bayerischer and other nearby supporters’ clubs. On the day of the match, the supporters’ club invited all the fans to a Munich biergarten to warm up for the game. Supporters from all over the country gathered there, with a special role for the Polish supporters’ clubs, which mobilized more than ever before thanks to the Lewandowski effect. In total, more than 1,100 supporters’ clubs members traveled to Munich to cheer on the team, including more than 650 from Poland.
In addition to the aforementioned four Polish supporters’ clubs (Fan Club Barça Polska, PB Poznan, PB Warsaw and PB Lodz), members of other entities such as PB Frankfurt, PB Berlin, PB Lleó de Dues Cues, PB Roma, PB Minsk, PB London and PB Sis Copes de Strumica (Fed. Mundo), PB Teixonera (Fed. Barcelonès Est), PB Front 532 (Fed. Barcelonès Oest), PB Carbayín Alto (Fed. Asturias y Cantabria) or PB Palentina (Fed. Castilla y León), among many others, attended the event. Despite the final result, all the supporters were proud of the team. Many of them are already preparing the next European trip to Milan, in three weeks.