Recently, the Peña Barcelonista de Totana (Federación de Murcia) added a new activity to its long history of involvement with the Murcia Penitentiary Center. It is a Mindfulness workshop designed especially for inmates, which works as an alternative therapy to reduce their stress and other effects caused by their situation. It also provides them with personal strengths. The workshop, framed within the Prison Matrix Program, is based on the MBSR program (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction), and consists of 8 sessions in 8 consecutive weeks.
The Mindfulness workshop in the Murcia Penitentiary Center is implemented by the PB Totana through its president, Juan Carrión, and is coordinated by the prison educator Manuel Illera. Also collaborating the Amás Foundation, therapists and several volunteers from the prison. With this, and other activities that has promoted in recent years, the PB Totana contributes to the welfare of inmates and provides them with skills and tools to successfully face social reintegration.