The solidarity activity of the penyes is more alive than ever during the Christmas season, with actions carried out in different territories over the last few days. Once again, food collections for needy families and toy collections for children are the priorities of the FC Barcelona supporters’ clubs, which demonstrate the blaugrana values in their respective communities.
Food collections at PB Pedrito, PB Corazón Culé and PB Torrelameu
One of the most charitable supporters’ clubs, the Peña Barcelonista Pedrito (Federación Canarias), did not miss its appointment and organized a food collection during the month of December. In total, it collected 1,700 euros worth of food, which it gave to the Copile Association, which works with families with adopted children in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The penya had the collaboration of the Intersindical Canaria union and all its members and friends.
For its part, the PB Corazón Culé de Málaga (Federación de Andalucía, Ceuta y Melilla) delivered food to the “Yo soy Tú” Association in the Miraflores de los Ángeles neighborhood of Málaga. This entity manages a soup kitchen that serves people at risk of social exclusion, and the penya wanted to contribute to the preparation of their menus. This gesture shows the social commitment of the PB Corazón Culé.
Finally, the Penya Barcelonista de Torrelameu (Federació Lleida Sud i la Franja) delivered a pallet full of food to the Food Bank, through the Regional Council of La Noguera. The penya counted on the participation of its members, the inhabitants of the village of Torrelameu and also anonymous donations from companies.

Toy drives at PB San Diego, PB El Paso, PB Sueras and PB Almansa
In the United States, two penyes have organized toy drives among their members. One of them is the Penya Blaugrana San Diego, which during several match viewings over the last few weeks has collected contributions from its members and will deliver them to Rady Children’s Hospital. The other one is the Penya Barça El Paso, which also collected new toys on the occasion of the Barça-Atlético de Madrid match. Its destination will be the Children’s Hospital of El Paso.
As for the Peña Barcelonista de Almansa (Federación de Castilla-La Mancha), it sent several members to Albal, one of the localities affected by the DANA in Valencia. There, they were received at the Town Hall, where they delivered the toys collected during their VIII Solidarity Day to be distributed among the local children. The same was done by the Penya Barcelonista de Sueras (Federació Comarques de Castelló), which in their case delivered the toys from their successful solidarity campaign to the association Centro de Día ONG Quisqueya, in Onda.