Anniversaries in PB Solera Calella and PB Traiguera

One of the longest active supporters’ clubs, the Penya Solera Barcelonista de Calella (Federació Maresme), celebrated its 66th anniversary last weekend with a double event in its town. he first was the usual fanfare and popular dinner that the penya organises every year on Passeig Manuel Puigvert, which brings together hundreds of Calella residents and … Read more

Anniversaries of penyes spread throughout the territory

Many FC Barcelona supporters’ clubs are celebrating their anniversaries during this final stretch of the season, and last weekend was a good example of this, with events throughout the territory. The Peña Barcelonista Villa del Río (Federación Andalucía, Ceuta y Melilla), the Penya Blaugrana Roda de Ter i les Masies de Roda (Federació Osona i … Read more

Anniversaries at the PB Parets del Vallès and the PB “Gabriel López Sola” Saint-Juéry

Last Sunday, the Penya Blaugrana de Parets del Vallès (Federació Vallès) celebrated its 44th anniversary in an event that counted with the collaboration of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes. As usual, the day started at noon with a new edition of the Josep Seguer Memorial, with which the penya remembers the legendary player of the … Read more