Last Saturday, the town of Montijo became the focal point of FC Barcelona fans in Extremadura with the celebration of the XII Meeting of FC Barcelona Penyes of Extremadura. The event, organised by the Federación de Peñas Barcelonistas Extremeñas and the Peña Barcelonista de Montijo, which celebrated its 42nd anniversary, was attended by representatives of 45 supporters’ clubs from this region, along with another two from Castilla-La Mancha. In total, more than 260 supporters came together for a day full of events.
Visits and exhibition
The day began with the assembly of the Federación de Peñas Extremeñas, led by its president Miguel Angel Cruz, which reviewed the current situation of the organisation and the balance of accounts. The current projects of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes were also addressed. Afterwards, there was the institutional reception in the Town Hall of Montijo, with the presence of Antonio Escudero, social vice-president of FC Barcelona, and Ricardo Serna, former player of the blaugrana team. The delegation was received by the mayor of Montijo, Manuel Gómez.
One of the most emotional moments was the visit to the exhibition of historic FC Barcelona shirts that the journalist José Luis Vela organised for the occasion. In total, more than 50 copies were on display, all of them with a special meaning. The morning was rounded off with a visit to the PB Montijo site and a popular lunch, where other presidents of supporters’ clubs Federations were present, such as Rafael Pichardo (Andalucía, Ceuta y Melilla), Daniel Peinado (Castilla-La Mancha), Salvador Cerviño (Galicia) and Pablo Asensio (Asturias y Cantabria).
Remembering the sextuple
In the afternoon, the agenda of events continued with a talk about the sextuple that FC Barcelona won in 2009. Ricardo Serna explained his experience as a former player, and Ciriaco Rodríguez, president of the PB Montijo, and Miguel Angel Cruz gave their point of view as supporters’ club members and fans.
The XII Meeting of FC Barcelona Penyes of Extremadura concluded with a gala dinner with all the attendees, where there was an exchange of gifts and speeches by the guests. This was the finishing touch to an intense and emotional day of FC Barcelona supporters in Extremadura.