The FC Barcelona supporters’ clubs movement has recently experienced one of those initiatives that perfectly demonstrate the values defended and promoted by this collective: effort, perseverance, teamwork, brotherhood and solidarity. The protagonists were Anthony Romon, president of the Penya Blaugranor and head of the Europe area of the FCB World Federation, and his father Daniel. Both celebrated the 20th birthday of this supporters’ club in Northern France by facing a major challenge: cycling more than 2,000 kilometers between Carvin, hometown of the penya, and Camp Nou. They set off on July 22 and three weeks later, on August 11, they arrived in Barcelona after cycling between 70 and 150 kilometers each day.
The trip has been supported by the FCB World Federation, belonging to the Confederació Mundial de Penyes, as well as local entities of Carvin and also the organization UNICEF Hauts-de-France. Precisely, the initiative includes a solidarity side, since Anthony Romon has opened an online fundraising campaign in favor of UNICEF and its task of helping underprivileged children around the world.
Support from penyes along the route
Since the announcement of their bicycle challenge, Anthony and Daniel Romon have received a great deal of support from local and French organizations and, above all, from the FC Barcelona supporters’ club movement. So much so, that many penyes have welcomed them with open arms when they have passed through their locality. In French territory, it has been the case of the Penya de Touraine Supporters du Barça, in Tours; the Penya Barcelonista Gabriel López Sola, in Saint Juéry; and the Penya Barça Cotlliure, very close to the border with Catalonia.
In Catalan territory, the Romons were welcomed by the Penya Blaugrana Almogàvers Empordà (Federació Empordà i Catalunya Nord), the Penya Barcelonista Guixolenca (Federació Girona, Selva, Garrotxa i Pla de l’Estany), and the Penya Barcelonista de Mataró (Federació Maresme). All of them have invited the cyclists to their respective premises, exchanged souvenirs to commemorate this feat and encouraged them to complete their goal.

Reception at the Confederació Mundial de Penyes
The same day of their arrival at Camp Nou, the Confederació Mundial de Penyes organized a reception for Anthony and Daniel Romon in recognition of their efforts and the success of their adventure on two wheels. In the presence of Josep Antoni Martin, treasurer of the FCB World Federation, a gold insignia was presented to the two protagonists, as well as blaugrana gifts. Also present were two members of the PB Cotlliure, who wanted to join the Romons in this special moment.
The two cyclists were also received at the FC Barcelona offices by the Social Commission. Among other gifts, they were given a piece of grass from the Camp Nou, and they were also congratulated for their achievement.

Solidarity campaign for UNICEF
Although Anthony and Daniel Romon’s adventure on wheels is over, the fundraising campaign for UNICEF launched on the occasion of this PB Blaugranor challenge is still active until September 10. Therefore, it continues to accept donations from anyone who wants to contribute their bit.
Donations can be made through this link: