Following the Penyes Council Plenary Meeting held at the end of January at the headquarters of the World Confederation of Supporters’ Clubs, the various territorial Federations have been convening their respective assemblies. There, they have passed on to their supporters’ clubs the main conclusions of the aforementioned Plenary, and have planned the main events that will take place in the coming months in their territories.
Three assemblies last weekend
The Federació de Terres de l’Ebre, with its president Ramón Fibla at the head, held its assembly in the town of Móra La Nova, where a general review of the situation of the supporters’ clubs was made, the balance of accounts was approved and the agreements with Aficiones Unidas were reported. The anniversaries and meetings of penyes to be held during 2024 were also specified, with special emphasis on the 30th Trobada de Penyes de l’Ebre to be held in autumn in l’Ampolla.
The Federation of Castilla y León also met, with the presence of 18 peñas of the territory that were headed by its president, Nicolás Pérez. The present and future of the organization and the supporters’ clubs movement in general, took up part of the assembly. A date was also set for the 19th Meeting of Penyes of the Federación de Castilla y León, which will take place in October, together with the 25th anniversary of the PB Cuellerana Nicolau Casaus.
In Andalusia, it was the turn of the Federación de Peñas de Málaga y Provincia, headed by the secretary of the Federación de Peñas de Andalucía, Ceuta y Melilla, Diego Peral. Several current issues and the future of the supporters’ clubs were discussed, and information was given about the next Convivencia de Peñas de Andalucía, whose 4th edition will be held next May in Almerimar. There, there will be a full schedule of events over three days for all Barça fans.

Also in Galicia and Empordà i Catalunya Nord
The Federación de Peñas Barcelonistas Galegas was another of those that held its assembly. It was in Boiro (A Coruña), with 20 supporters’ clubs represented and under the leadership of Salvador Cerviño, president of the Galician federation. The situation of the penyes movement in its territory was reviewed and the accounts for 2023 were approved, among other issues. n addition, the assembly approved granting the PB Boiro the organisation of the XXXI Xuntanza de Peñas Barcelonistas Galegas, which will take place in 2025.
A week earlier, the headquarters of the Penya Blaugrana L’Escala hosted the assembly of the Federació de Penyes Empordà i Catalunya Nord, with the presence of 23 supporters clubs from this territory. At the meeting, led by the president of the federation, David Falgàs, the accounts were reviewed and the budget for the new season was approved. The intention to recover the Trobada de Penyes de la Federació Empordà i Catalunya Nord was also reported, and it is expected to be held this summer.

Baix Llobregat and Valencia i Marina Alta, the earliest
The general assembly of the Federació de Penyes del Baix Llobregat was held at the premises of the PB Sant Andreu de la Barca, where 18 supporters’ clubs from the area attended. Led by Vicenç Notari, president of the Baix Llobregat Federation, the penyes took stock of the accounts and approved the new budget for the current year. In addition to addressing questions about the digital Penyista Card, it was reported that next June the 8th Penya Trobada de Penyes de la Federació Baix Llobregat will be held at the Penya Barcelonista L’Avenç d’Esplugues de Llobregat.
Finally, the Federació de Penyes de València i la Marina Alta held its assembly in Denia, with 24 supporters’ clubs represented and the president of the Federation, Miquel Gomis, at the head. Among other issues, the assembly reviewed the latest report from the Confederació Mundial de Penyes, and also began planning events such as the Aplec de Penyes, which will probably be held in the same town of Denia in early summer. There were also new developments in the composition of the entity’s board of directors.