Last Friday, the premises of the Penya Barcelonista Els Tamarells (Federació de Penyes de les Illes Balears) hosted the presentation of the book “Cultura i pràctiques escolars a la Mallorca de postguerra (1939-1949)”, by the Mallorcan author Gabriel Barceló, doctor in Pedagogy by the UIB and researcher of the History of Education. The presentation of the book, which was awarded the Font i Roig Essay Prize 2023 by the Town Council of Maria de la Salut, was led by the president of the PB Els Tamarells, Sebastià Oliver, and was attended by many members of the penya.
Along with the author of the book, Miquel Àngel Manresa, administrative of the UIB, also participated and explained in detail the curriculum of Gabriel Barceló. Besides, former teacher Maria Faustina Barceló told in first person the stories of the schools during the Spanish post-Civil War period. The event concluded with a round of questions and doubts from the audience, which generated a brief colloquium that provided first-hand knowledge of how such a complicated period was experienced in Mallorcan schools.
Promotion of culture
This event is part of the Cultural Area of the PB Els Tamarells, which was created last year and is headed by Miquel Tur. During the last quarter of 2023, this area promoted the presentations of other books such as “Illes Escapçades”, by Margalida Solivellas, and “El cercle de Felanitx”, by Miquel Barceló. Both were part of the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the blaugrana penya. PB Els Tamarells is already working on future presentations, such as the one on Friday 16 February, also at its headquarters. The book will be “El camino más largo”, written by the penya member Bernat Xavier, which tells his true story of overcoming his own challenges as a professional triathlete and also as a musician.
The PB Els Tamarells is one of the best examples of the work of cultural and historical dissemination that the FC Barcelona supporters’ clubs carry out in their respective territories, always with the support and promotion of the territorial Federations and the World Confederation of Supporters’ Clubs.