After Christmas season, when the spirit of solidarity is usually highlighted in a special way, the FC Barcelona penyes do not rest in their mission to help the most needed people through initiatives of all kinds. This solidarity is a transversal value within Barça supporters, and has recently been demonstrated with actions all over the world.
Clothing collections
One of the entities mobilised is the Penya Barcelonista de Damascus (FCB World Federation), which a few days ago organised a collection of children’s clothes to be donated to a charity in Syria that helps the neediest families. The members of the penya contributed to the collection by donating various items, especially warm clothing. The event took place at the new headquarters of the PB Damascus, the “Penya Cafe”, where supporters meet to watch Barça matches together.
12,000 kilometres away from Damascus, the Peña Familia Blaugrana de Panamá (FCB World Federation) also organised a clothing donation. In this case, it was in support of the Darien region, where there is a problematic situation due to the movement of people without any economic support. Thanks to associates, penya members and supporters, they were able to collect more than 200 items of clothing for adults and children. The PB Panamá also received help from the Casal Català de Panamá and UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency. The latter oversaw the delivering of the humanitarian donations to various NGOs.
Donations to social associations
Another of the entities mobilised at the solidarity level is the Peña Barcelonista Ferrolana (Federación Galicia), which recently made a financial donation of 600 euros to the Asociación de Nuestra Señora de Chamorro, in the town of Narón. The supporters visited the organisation to see first-hand the help that it provides to people with functional diversity, and were also able to share activities with the members of this community.
Finally, the Penya Barcelonista de Ferreries (Federació Balears) has also offered its help to a charity. Specifically, the club donated the 650 euros raised from the Christmas Lottery and other charity raffles to the Asociación de Pares TDAH Menorca, which assists families with children diagnosed with ADHD. The PB Ferreries makes this donation every year to a social entity in its territory.