The first European trip of the season was the umpteenth demonstration of the great strength of the supporters’ clubs movement when it comes to supporting FC Barcelona across the continent. Of the more than 1,500 fans who travelled to the city of Porto to attend the Champions League clash between Porto and Barça, more than 800 were members of penyes who did not want to miss this first big event of the season.
The geographical proximity allowed many culers from the Federations of Penyes of Extremadura, Galicia or Castilla y León to travel by road to the Portuguese city, filling coaches from different points. On the other hand, entities from other Federations in Spain did not miss out either; and of course those from the FCB World Federation, who once again had a notable presence in the stands of the Estadio do Dragao. All of them have returned with the satisfaction of the 1-0 victory achieved by the blue and white team.

Pre-match gathering and celebration at the stadium
The day in Porto began in the early afternoon at the pre-match meeting organised by the supporters’ clubs in the Praça da Ribeira, next to the Douro River. There, hundreds of supporters, penya members and fans from different parts of Europe gathered to share the pre-match atmosphere and make the Portuguese city feel the passion of the blaugrana fans. The constant chanting and the good atmosphere already suggested that the day would end on a positive note.
Afterwards, everyone went to the match venue, the Estadio do Dragao, where they tirelessly cheered the team and pushed them to resist and defend the lead until the final whistle. Once again, the players thanked the fans for their support. The upcoming Champions League away games are already on the calendar: Hamburg on 7 November and Antwerp on 13 December.