Last Saturday the headquarters of the World Confederation of Supporters’ Clubs was the venue for a new Plenary Session of the Penyes Council. The meeting, led by the president of the Confederation, Antoni Guil, was attended by almost all the presidents of the 30 territorial federations; most of them in person, and some of them telematically. Also present was Jorge Guerrero, president of Aficiones Unidas, an organisation of which the World Confederation of Supporters’ Clubs is a member, along with 34 other supporters’ clubs federations of 1st and 2nd Division Spanish football teams.
Work of the Commissions
The Plenary Session reviewed the work being carried out by the three Working Commissions of the World Confederation of Supporters’ Clubs and their respective sub-commissions. In the case of the Sociocultural Commission, a review was made of the events and activities that the Confederació organises for the Federations and penyes, as well as new proposals. The strategy of corporate social responsibility, an area that the Confederation wants to promote, was also presented. Last season, the Confederation, the Federations and the supporters’ clubs organised and/or collaborated in 300 charity events.
The Institutional and Services Commission then presented the latest issues dealt with at its meetings, such as ticketing and travel management, as well as questions related to the move to Montjuic and the upcoming Espai Barça. This committee is responsible for communicating the concerns of the Club’s associates, 18,000 of whom are part of the supporters’ clubs movement.
Finally, the Economic and Marketing Commission presented the current situation of the Confederation in terms of sponsorship, collaborations with other entities and also in the area of communication. The 2024 Digital Penyista Card was also presented, of which the Confederation will issue around 160,000 units to all supporters’ club members. The committee also presented the accounts for the 2021-22 and 2022-23 seasons, which were unanimously approved, and underlined the objective of economic stability.
Presence of Aficiones Unidas
During his speech during this new Plenary Session of the Penyes Council, the president of Aficiones Unidas, Jorge Guerrero, explained to the members of the Penyes Council the latest advances that this entity is carrying out for the benefit of all fans. Agreements such as the 30-euro tickets or the subsidies for coaches and La Liga Bar aroused great interest among all those present. In addition, the Strategic Plan of Aficiones Unidas, in which the Confederation is playing an important role, was presented.