Record in the XIII Card Championship of the PB Puigverd de Lleida

A total of 86 couples from different parts of Catalonia took part in the competition

The Penya Barcelonista de Puigverd de Lleida (Federació Lleida Sud i la Franja) organized the XIII edition of the Card Championship in its town last Sunday. The venue was the Llar of Puigverd de Lleida, which was almost too small giving the record number of 86 couples who took part in this popular competition, specifically with the game of “botifarra”. In addition to players from the province of Lleida, the event was again attended by players from Tarragona, Girona, Barcelona and even Andorra.

The winners of the XIII Card Championship of PB Puigverd de Lleida won prizes of various local products, as well as Barça gifts such as tickets to visit the Immersive Tour, the temporary Barça Museum during the works of the Espai Barça. All the prizes were presented by Claudi Bosch, president of the PB Puigverd de Lleida and the Federació de Penyes Lleida Sud i la Franja, and by the accidental mayoress of Puigverd, Úrsula Barrufet. Given the record number of participants of this edition of the card tournament, the XIV edition of the championship is expected next year.