The PB Arbúcies hosts the conference “Barça i Catalunya: Temps de Foscor”

After the short break in August, the “Barça i Catalunya” cycle of conferences is back on track. The first entity to receive it, specifically its second part “Temps de Foscor” (Dark Times), was the Penya Barcelonista d’Arbúcies (Federació de Penyes del Gironès, Selva, Garrotxa i Pla de l’Estany), in an event held last Saturday at … Read more

The “Barça and Catalunya” conferences are back on track

After the August break, the cycle of conferences “Barça i Catalunya” is back on track to visit penyes throughout the country and continue to spread the history of FC Barcelona and its link with Catalan society. This coming Saturday 7 September, the Penya Barcelonista d’Arbúcies (Federació Gironès, Selva, Garrotxa i Pla de l’Estany) will be … Read more