Every 23 April, the Bayerischer Penya Blaugrana Munich enjoys a double celebration. On the one hand, its anniversary of creation; on the other, the Diada de Sant Jordi. This year, the supporters’ club belonging to the FCB World Federation has reached 9 years of existence and has done so with an extra incentive for the celebration: the conference ‘Barça i Catalunya: Els orígens de la simbiosi’ (Barça and Catalonia: The origins of symbiosis). Thus, this cultural activity organised by the Supporters’ Clubs World Confederation once again crossed borders, after its visit to Brussels in December last year.
The event took place in the EineWeltHaus, in the centre of the Bavarian capital, and was well attended. Among them, not only culers from the supporters’ club and the city were present, but also people – both Catalans and Germans – interested in the Catalan language, history and culture. All of them were able to discover little-known aspects of the early history of the Club, as well as the reasons that forged the symbiosis between Barça and Catalonia.
Adaptation into German
The conference was given by Salva Torres, vice-president of the Confederació Mundial de Penyes, and Xavier Gamper, grandson of the founder of FC Barcelona, with the valuable collaboration of the Centre Català de Munic. Thanks to this, German-speaking attendees were provided with instant translation into German and were able to follow the entire conference without any problems. Likewise, the members of the PB Bayerischer translated the projected presentation into German. It should also be noted that Xavier Gamper gave part of his speech in his family’s native Swiss German.