The blaugrana penyes took part in the 30th anniversary of the Federación de Peñas del RC Celta

The Federación de Peñas Barcelonistas Galegas was invited to the event. In June there will be a new appointment with the Celta-Barça match that will end La Liga

The concord between fans promoted by the Confederació Mundial de Penyes and the whole movement of FC Barcelona supporters’ clubs was demonstrated once again last weekend. This time, it was in an event that was not organised by any blaugrana entity, but by the Federación de Peñas Celtistas, which commemorated its 30th anniversary with a multitudinous fraternity dinner in the town of Redondela, near Vigo.

Among the guests at the event, the presence of Salvador Cerviño, president of the Federación de Peñas Barcelonistas Galegas, as well as the delegate of the Consultative Council in Galicia, Nieves Loira, stood out. Both shared the celebration with about 200 supporters of RC Celta from different points of the Galician territory, headed by Pepe Méndez, president of the Federation of Peñas Celtistas. The vice-president of RC Celta, Ricardo Barros; the president of the RC Celta women’s basketball team, Carlos Álvarez; and the former player Milorad Ratkovic were also present.

The presence of Cerviño, the only one of a representative of supporters’ clubs of another club, is explained by the great relationship that exists between the FC Barcelona and Celta penyes. Not in vain, both movements belong to Aficiones Unidas, an entity that brings together the federations of supporters’ clubs of 36 Spanish football teams, and which, among other values, defends harmony and respect between all of them.

Next dates: Celta-Barça and 30th Xuntanza

In a short time, culers and celtistas will meet again. It will be the first weekend of June, and with a double aspect. On the one hand, the dispute of the Celta-Barça of the last date of La Liga, and on the other hand, the celebration of the Convention of the Federación de Peñas Celtistas. In this event, in which supporters’ clubs from more clubs are expected to participate, the presence of Salvador Cerviño is also expected, as well as other presidents of federations of FC Barcelona supporters’ clubs from other territories. Likewise, it is foreseen the participation of the RC Celta supporters’ clubs in the 30th Xuntanza de Peñas Barcelonistas Galegas, which will take place next June 25th in the town of Nerón. It will be the first edition of this meeting after four years conditioned by the pandemic.